Colored Bead Bars
- Bead bars 1 to 9, each bar in a different color. The colors
are constant.
- Note: Over the years,
manufacturers have sometimes changed the colors. Once a
particular color scheme has been chosen for the bead bars, it should
remain constant within the classroom.
- 1 bead on a bar - red
- 2 beads " - green
- 3 beads " - pink
- 4 beads " - yellow
- 5 beads " - mauve (violet)
- 6 beads " - brown
- 7 beads " - white
- 8 beads " - pale blue
- 9 beads " - dark blue
- The child has the number cards 1 to 9. He arranges them in
sequence. He counts the bars, putting the appropriate one by each
numeral as he does so.
- The child has five sets of the colored bead bars. He counts
them and arranges them in order to form rhombuses and triangles.

- The child who can count to 100 can form the squares of the
numbers 1 to 9 and count them. For example: