Adjective Cards with Farm 1
- 1 phonetic farm set (includes farm animals and objects commonly found
on a farm such as: pig, dog, duck, pen, sack, man etc.)
- 1 blue box containing gray adjective heading cards with "a"
and "the" cards enclosed.
- 1 black box containing phonetic noun cards appropriate for use with
- 1 blue box containing phonetic adjectives for use with farm.
- The teacher has the child lay out the objects from the farm on a table
in an order he chooses. The teacher then shows him how to take the "a"
and "the" cards out of the box and place the heading card at
the top left of the table. Next, the other set of the blue adjective cards
is taken out and the gray heading card is placed to the right of the first
gray card. The last set, the black nouns, is then taken and the heading
card is placed to the right of the other gray heading card. The child then
places the noun cards underneath the appropriate object. He then reads
an adjective card and places it to the left of any noun card he prefers.
The child also chooses an "a" or "the" card and puts
it to the left of the adjective card. If two children get into a disagreement
over which adjective card to use, show them that more than one adjective
card can be used. They both can be right. For example, if one child wanted
to say, "The big man," and the other child wanted to say, "The
strong man," they could use both adjectives and say, "The big
strong man."