Developing Intelligence


Perceptual Development


            Introductory Talk on the Needs of the Baby and Young Child

            How to Give a Lesson

    The Visual Sense

        Study of Dimension

            Introduction to Dimension through the Knobbed Cylinders

            Further Study of Size through the Pink Tower, Broad Stair, and Long Rods

            Advanced Study of Size through the Knobbless Cylinders

        Study of Color

            Criteria for Quality Educational Materials

            Introduction of Color through the Color Tablets

            Introducing Terminology with the use of the Three Period Lesson

        Study of Shape

            Introduction to Shape through the Geometric Cabinet

            Study of the Representation of Shape Through the Geometric Cards

            Study of the use of Shape in Tessellation

            Study of Geometric Solids

    The Sense of Touch

        Activities for Refining the Sense of Touch

        The Stereognostic Sense

    The Auditory Sense

        Activities for Developing Awareness of Differences in Sound through the Sound Cylinders

    Study of Pattern as a Preparation for Math

        The Binomial Cube

        The Trinomial Cube

Practical Life

    Overview of Practical Life

    Dressing Frames

    Walking the Line

    The Silence Lesson

The Classroom

    Setting up and Organizing the Classroom

    Starting the Year