Tactile Numbers
- Ten pale green cards with the numerals 1 to 10 cut out of the
finest sandpaper, or other suitable textured material, and mounted one
on each card. The numerals must be the form used in the child's
own country. They must be the ones he will be expected to use
throughout his school life.
- To learn to recognize the numerals 1 to 10 and to associate them
with their spoken name. To feel the numerals as a preparation for
writing them.
- 4 years and older
- The teacher will use the three period lesson to teach the
names. The three senses of sight, sound, and touch will be
Period 1
- The teacher takes the numerals 1 and 2 and sits beside the child,
placing the numerals to one side. She places the numeral "1" card
in front of the child, and holding it steady with her hand, she lightly
traces the numeral with the index and middle fingers of her dominant
hand. While she is tracing the numeral as we write it, she
repeats its name, "One...this is one...this is the way we write
one." She places the numeral in front of the child and invites
him to feel it. While he does so, she continues to repeat the
name. The child is not asked to say the name at this point, but
he may do so spontaneously. The teacher makes sure the child
feels the numeral in the direction in which it is written, using his
dominant hand. The teacher puts the numeral "1" to one side and takes
the "2" card. She places it in front of the child and traces it lightly
a number of times while repeating the name. The child has the
numeral to trace himself while the teacher says the name. The
child is encouraged to feel each numeral many times.
Period 2
- The teacher places both numerals in front of the child. In
order to make sure the child has made the association between the
numeral and its name, the teacher asks him for each in turn several
times. "Find 2 and feel it," or "Would you like to feel 1?"
After sufficient practice, the teacher puts both numerals to one side.
Period 3
- The teacher gives the child a numeral and says, "Trace this and
tell me its name." She repeats this using each numeral in turn.
- The teacher puts the numerals in sequence from left to right,
points to them, and reviews, "Today we learned how we write the numbers
1 and 2."
- On subsequent days more numerals are taught as the child is
ready. Those numerals already learned are always included in the
lesson. The box of numerals is kept on a shelf where the child
can take them at any time. He may select the ones he knows, feel
them, and repeat their names. He may look at the others.