In some schools you may see use of Thermic Tablets and Thermic bottles
for providing children with experience with temperature. A set of Thermic
Tablets consists of 4 pairs of different materials- wood, steel, marble,
and felt. Unfortunately, in working with these materials, children sometimes
confuse differences in texture with differences in temperature. Therefore,
this material is not considered necessary.
Thermic bottles are bottles paired according to the different temperatures
of water placed inside them. This material has limitations also. Since
warm temperatures tend to cool, and cool temperatures tend to warm, to
room temperature, the activity is one that has to be set up for each individual
child wo wants to use it. This is not really necessary if other approaches
to temperature are provided as explained below.
To make the child aware of temperature
Temperature can be presented to a child as he experiences it in the
everyday life of the classroom. For example, while eating a child may drink
or eat something extra cold, or taste something that is hot. While washing
hands a child may feel the differences in water temperature as it comes
out of the faucet.