Touch the Fabrics
- There are several boxes containing two of each of a variety of
- cut in the same sized squares. Include all the basic fibers -
silk, linen,
- velvet, muslin, satin, wool, and cotton. Also include some man
- materials. There should be six pairs of materials per box. There
are so
- many materials that more than one box will be needed. Each pair
- fabrics is a different color or pattern.

- 1) Development and refinement of the tactile sense.
- 2) An awareness and appreciation of fabrics and observation of
- fabrics used by man.
- 2 1/2 to 5 years
- Visual, by color and pattern
- The teacher selects two or three of the most contrasting fabrics
- from the point of view of touch. Linen and cotton, for example,
- are too much alike and therefore would be too difficult to begin
- with. Velvet, book muslin and serge are very different. The
- teacher takes two to three pairs to the child's table, leaving
- other pairs in the box and mixes the chosen pairs on the table.
- The teacher shows the child how to feel the fabric lightly with
his or her
- finger tips and between his finger and thumb, as one usually
- materials. The teacher allows the child to feel each piece and
lets him or her
- pair them by feel, placing the matched pieces together one piece
- on top of another.
- Next the teacher encourages the child to feel and pair the
fabrics with
- eyes shut or with a blindfold over his or her eyes. After the
child has done 3
- pairs, the teacher gives the child the whole box.
The child pairs the fabrics by touch. When the child has paired the
he or she takes the blindfold off. The child can see by the color if
the pairs are matched correctly, as two of the same color are always
the same material.
The names of the fabrics
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