“How Do I Know What Foods Are Best While I Am Pregnant?”
* Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and protein is important during pregnancy. In addition to taking your prenatal vitamins, eating nutritious foods help to give your baby the nutrients he needs to grow.
* Although you may have heard that when pregnant you must “eat for two” you really only need to add an additional 300 calories to your normal intake per day.
* Here are some examples of healthy meal or snack choices with around
200 - 300 calories:
add 1 tbsp peanut
butter for a 280 cal
chicken caesar salad =375 cal
Top 5 Nutrients
Include these in your daily diet:
Calcium: 1,000 mg Where to get it: Dairy foods, dark leafy greens, calcium-fortified soy milk, calcium-fortified juices and cereals
Folate (folic acid is the synthetic form, available in supplements): 600 mcg Where to get it: Dried beans, peas, lentils, orange juice, oranges, dark leafy greens, soy nuts, avocados, broccoli, asparagus
Iron: 27 mg Where to get it: Liver, meat, seafood, prune juice, dry beans, wheat germ, oatmeal, tofu, soy nuts, grains
Protein: 70 g Where to get it: Meat, poultry, seafood, dairy foods, beans and legumes, nuts
Vitamin C: 85 mg Where to get it: Citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, dark leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts
chicken caesar salad = around 375 cal
* Of course it is ok to indulge in a little junk food like candy, chips or a cookie, sometimes. Just remember that your baby is relying on you for all of his nutrients... Try these healthy alternatives for when a craving strikes: