Cup, pint, quart, and gallon measuring containers, preferably with
a lip.
2 cups = 1 pint
2 pints = 1 quart
4 quarts = 1 gallon
The child has the cup and the pint containers at the sink. She is shown
how to fill a measure exactly without spilling. She is asked to find the
number of times a cup can be filled and empties into the pint. She fills
the cup and empties it into the pint container until the pint is full.
She finds that 2 cups equal a pint. Most children repeat this a great many
Another time, the same can be done with the pint and quart, then with
the quart and gallon. After that, the child can take all the containers
and practice. The measures are kept in the classroom for her to use in
this way.
She is encouraged to work carefully and not spill water or overfill
the containers.
The child learns the appropriate words for cup, pint, quart, gallon.
Her attention is drawn to the way these terms are used. For example, we
buy a quart of milk. The measures can be shown in recipes.