The teacher shows the child how to cut the top off the carrot, wasting
as little carrot as possible. She shows the child how to hold the carrot
pointing downwards over the bowl. Using the vegetable peeler, scrape from
the top of the carrot downwards. Turn the carrot until all sides have been
peeled. She shows the child how to rinse the carrot and put it on a dish.
The child peels as many carrots as he wishes. These are put in the refrigerator.
Turnips, apples, etc., may also be peeled. When the child has practiced
preparing vegetables and peeling, he or she can then prepare and cut them
as required. Some vegetables can be sliced; for example, carrots, apples,
potatoes and some can be diced like turnips and potatoes. Have different
fruits or vegetables on hand on different days. If you know a child loves
peeling carrots, have these on hand until he has satisfied his urge. If
he is learning to cut bananas, then supply these until he is satisfied.
Otherwise, vary the vegetable and fruit provided.
On completion of an exercise, the child, as always, is shown how to
clean up. He will wash, dry, put away the utensils used and wipe any surfaces.
If he does not wish to do so, he is helped by the teacher or a willing
child. The teacher can give positive help in getting the child to understand
that he should learn to work in a clean fashion. For example, the teacher
might say, "Oh, there is a potato peel on the floor. Let's put it
in the bin and perhaps tomorrow you won't drop any." Or, "When
you wash vegetables, don't let your tummy touch the sink or your apron
will get wet."
Group Exercise
These are arranged sometimes and are greatly enjoyed by the children.
The biscuits are made by older children. When rolled up, smaller children
will love to cut the rolls into slices and place them on a cookie sheet
ready for baking.
Group Exercise
Children who have learned to peel fruit, squeeze fruit, or cut any
kind of fruit can prepare a fruit salad.
Prepare vegetables for raw snacks in different ways on different days.
For example, grated carrot and raisins, grated apple and chopped nuts (lemon
juice will preserve the color of the apple until eaten), dice different
vegetables for soup. (This need not be cooked at school. The children could
prepare them for someone to take home.) Prepare apples for apple sauce
or apple butter.