Montessori World Educational Institute
Montessori World Educational Institute
The Montessori World Educational Institute is a non-profit organization. In order to keep the cost of programs as low as possible, and as a convenience to people interested in learning more about Montessori, the Institute, being non-profit, provides several ways that people can donate to, and thereby contribute to and support the work of the Institute.
1) AmazonSmile.
2) Purchase required books and other items through Institute's links to Amazon.
3) Make a donation directly to the Institute. Donations can specify specific projects or services to support.
Do you shop on Now there's an easy way to support MWEI when you shop.
As a non-profit educational organization, MWEI is now registered with AmazonSmile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases at no cost to you.
It’s easy - just sign up for AmazonSmile at and choose Montessori World Educational Institute as your charity of choice. After you follow the above link to a sign up page, click to do a search for Montessori World Educational Institute and select it. Then once you are on the homepage of AmazonSmile, it should show Montessori World Educational Institute as the charity you have chosen. Then, you may want to bookmark AmazonSmile so you can return to when you wish to shop on Amazon. When you shop, be sure to open instead of in order for donations to be made to the Montessori World Educational Institute. It provides the full services of Amazon and makes the donations at no cost to you.
Your support helps MWEI offer its programs, events, and resources while maintaining affordability. Please share this opportunity with your network of colleagues and friends.
Thank you for your consideration and support!
2) Make Purchase Through MWEI Website
The Montessori World Educational Institute is an Amazon Associate. That means that users using the Institute's website can click on items listed on the Institute website and be directed to the item on Amazon's website for purchase. By linking to items through the Institute's website, Amazon receives information pertaining to the Institute and credits the Institute by giving the Institute a percentage of the sale of the item if it is purchased. There is no cost to you. In this way, you can purchase books and other items listed in the Institute Store and help support the work of the Institute.
The Montessori World Educational Institute is a non-profit 501(c) (3) educational service organization. The Institute welcomes donations that support the Institute's general educational mission, or specific projects or purposes.